elm-conf 2019
elm-conf returns to St. Louis on September 12, 2019 for a day of talks, learning, and growing as a community. The conference will be held in beautiful downtown St. Louis as a Strange Loop preconference event.
So, what's elm-conf?
elm-conf is a single-day, one-track conference for the Elm programming language community, currently in our fourth year. If you're interested in Elm, functional programming, or frontend development in general, please join us! We are accepting talk proposals until May 19. Check out speak at elm-conf for more information!
If you're interested in seeing where we've been, you can also see our speakers and talks from 2016, 2017 and 2018.
Speakers and Schedule
Our call for speakers ran from April 9 to May 19, 2019. Stay tuned for announcements about the lineup!